

ECHT also specializes in the field of Environmental Impact Assessment. ECHT has been active in Ghana and beyond in the field of impact assessment. Over the years, ECHT has a background of having worked with a wide range of prestigious clients. ECHT Environmental Services Limited provides services in the following areas;

1. Environmental Impact Assessment
2. Environmental Management Plans
3. Environmental Monitoring Studies
4. Environmental Sensitivity Analysis
5. Hydrology and Water Resource Assessment
6. Environmental Auditing
7. Annual Environmental Reports


We along with our partners Seelive Technologies specialize in the design, manufacture, operation and maintenance of air, hydrological, meteorological, and particulate monitoring systems. With the advancement in IoT and the future of a connected world with billions of sensor-driven devices, we’re focusing on building cutting-edge solutions and be future-ready. We help our customers stay on the cutting edge of technology in a safe and cost effective manner.


Some of our key products include

  • Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Systems
  • Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Instruments
  • Online Water Monitoring Instruments and Flow meters
  • Online Stack Monitoring Systems
  • Metrological Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Station
  • Digital Ground Water Level Recorders (Piezometers)
  • EMF Monitors
  • Multi Band Area Monitor
  • Radiation Meter


In recent years online Emission Monitoring Technology has received attention and interest in context of providing accurate and continuous information on particulate matter or gaseous emission from stacks. There are already commercially available systems for monitoring  parameters such as PM, HCI, HF, NH3, SO2, CO, O2, CO2, NOX, SOX, VOC, etc. 

ECHT along with K.S. infosystems have developed an online data collection and analysis tool called OCEMS. OCEMS is capable of handling data from various types of analyzers or sensors . It then converts the retrieved data into tables and graphs with the help of its UI engine which displays data to the users based on their access rights.

This is a dynamic and real online tool for monitoring emissions across various geographies. It helps agencies with the monitoring and evaluation of industrial units across country from a single window. It also helps agencies to discipline and prosecute the defaulters.

OEMS possesses the capability to be customized and configured according to agency parameters and guidelines as per local standards. This system is a suitable for various types of industries that produce air, water and noise emissions.


We believe waste is not actually waste: It is a resource in transition which can be transformed into a valuable raw materials